French Language

Francicus: Why study French in Morocco?

Shows how French language is translated into a pic

Program content:

Within the first week of the French  course you have five hours of French a day to learn French survival skills.  You advance your acquired knowledge by attending French literature and other topics in French. During week two you have four hours a day of French language classes in the morning and one hour a day of Moroccan culture classes in the afternoon together with cultural activities outside of the classroom. The language classes provide you with oral and written French skills. For the Moroccan culture classes you have lectures on Moroccan history, culture, the political system of Morocco, Architecture, the situation of Moroccan women and media.

You are given placement tests upon arrival  The following levels and courses are offered:

  • FR101 Basic French: writing skills (3 credits)
  • FR102 Basic French: reading skills (3 credits)
  • FR103 Basic French: listening skills (3 credits)
  • FR104 Basic French: communication skills (3 credits)
  • FR201 Intermediate French: writing skills (3 credits)
  • FR202 Intermediate French: reading skills (3 credits)
  • FR203 Intermediate French: listening skills (3 credits)
  • FR204 Intermediate French: communication skills (3 credits)
  • FR301 Advanced French: writing skills (3 credits)
  • FR302 Advanced French: reading skills (3 credits)
  • FR303 Advanced French: listening skills (3 credits)
  • FR304 Advanced French: communication skills (3 credits)
  • FR401 French Culture and literature (1 credit)
  • FR402 France influence throughout Morocco (1 credit)
  • FR403 French Civilization, history and culture (1 credit)
  • FR404 Business French (1 credit)